
Inspire Net Copyright Compliance Report 2011-2012

In accordance with section 122T(4) of the Copyright Act (“the Act”) Inspire Net is pleased to confirm that it has fully complied with all obligations under the Copyright Act, for the period 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012.

  1. In accordance with section 122T(1) Inspire Net has retained, for a minimum of 40 days, information on the allocation of IP addresses to each account holder;
  2. In accordance with section 122T(2) Inspire Net has retained for a minimum of 12 months the following information:

    All information about valid infringement notices that was sent by rights owners to Inspire Net for the purpose of matching infringements to account holders (0 were received); and

    All infringement notices issues to account holders (0 sent); and

    All challenges to infringement notices and all responds to them (0 of these) and

    Information on cancelled and expired infringement notices (0 of these exist).
  3. In accordance with section 122T(3) Inspire Net confirms that it has not released the name or contact details of an account holder unless authorised to do so by the account holder and/or Tribunal.